Neurofeedback News
Awake at 3 AM? It could Be Insomnia
If you are reading this at 3 am in the morning, chances are you may suffer from insomnia or some form of sleep disorder. But consider this: Insomnia can lead to bigger problems such as fatigue, lack of focus, short temper, forgetfulness and mental fog. It is important to determine the root cause of your […]
Helping a child with ADD/ADHD: What you need to know
Helping a child with ADD/ADHD: What you need to know Children with ADD/ADHD generally have deficits in executive function: the ability to think and plan ahead, organize, control impulses, and complete tasks. So a parent must take over as executive, providing extra guidance while a child gradually acquires executive skills of their own. Although the […]
A Solution To Anxiety And Depression?
Alpha Waves May Hold The Key To RecoveryDecades of Brain research may have yielded an answer for why emotions are so hard to manage for some. It has to do with the Alpha waves in our brains.Alpha waves are one of 4 main brainwaves that exist in every person. They are responsible for regulating our […]
Pay Attention To Brain Health. It’s Important.
Here’s why neurofeedback can help with most mental health issues:The brain is like a musical quartet. When all musicians are in sync, the sound is harmonious. But if one musician is off, it can affect the whole performance. Brainwaves operate in much the same way, working together to keep the brain working smoothly.Over 50 years […]
What is Neurofeedback and How Does It help Brain Health? [video]
What Is Neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is a computer-based system that corrects brainwaves safely while you watch a movie or listen to music. Irregular brainwaves are responsible for many neurological conditions such as ADHD, learning issues, anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraines, memory loss, and more. The Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) defines EEG biofeedback (also called neurofeedback) as: […]
Inflammation Can Shrink Your Brain
Let’s Talk A Little More About Inflammation Inflammation—we’ve all heard of it, and many people are beginning to understand just how damaging it can be to the whole body, especially the brain. Inflammation is our body’s natural defense system. When your body senses foreign invaders, a specific cascade of events is set off, in which your […]
The Gut-Brain Connection Is Important For Mental Health And More!
The Role Of A Healthy Gut In Healthy Brain Function A large body of evidence is accumulating to support a role between healthy gut function, neural development and function of the central nervous system. The microbiota present in the gut should be considered an inner organ with functions similar in importance to any other organ present in the body. Disruptions in this […]
Beyond Medicating The Brain: Why We Need a New Approach
What’s the generally accepted medical practice for treating someone with clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD, migraines, seizures, or many other “brain†problems? The usual answer is to prescribe a pill, such as a stimulant, an anti-depressant, an anti-anxiety medication, or in some cases, a mood stabilizer/anti-convulsant, or an anti-psychotic Disadvantages to medicating the brain are becoming […]
Do You Have A Leaky Brain?
You’ve heard of leaky gut, but have you heard of a leaky brain? If you have symptoms of leaky gut or intestinal permeability, you most likely also have a leaky brain, or “blood-brain barrier permeability.†How do you know? You can perform a simple test with store-bought supplements to find out. The blood-brain barrier is […]
The Seven Types Of ADD
Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD comes in many forms. For many years, healthcare providers believed there was just one type of ADD. However, Dr. Daniel Amen published in his book (Healing ADD) that there are actually 7 distinct types of ADD. Some children have a transient form of ADD. Transient meaning comes and goes, depending […]
The History Of Neurofeedback And Why It Is Beneficial In Treating ADD And ADHD
When considering treatment options for ADD and ADHD, understanding the history of a specific treatment and how effective it has been in other circumstances as well as for treating ADD and ADHD, can help you make more informed decisions concerning your treatment. It also assists you in understanding the complex process of Neurofeedback and its […]
Balancing And Nourishing The Brain Helps Resolve Many Health Challenges
Neurobehavioral disorders have exploded in our current generation. ADHD is diagnosed in a significant portion of school aged children. A research survey of parents shows that approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have ever been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]
Clinic Studies On Neurofeedback – Make An Informed Decision For Drug Free Care
Neurofeedback is among the most exciting technological advances in medicine. Studies are emerging that confirm what practitioners have witnessed for years. In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics underwent a rigorous review of all the available data on neurofeedback. The following policy statement was developed from this review process: The American Academy of Pediatrics approved […]
Brainwaves, The Key To Healthy Brain Function
Types of Brainwaves Our brain is an electro-chemical organ. We can measure the electrical output of our brain using EEG (also called a brain map or QEEG). Science has discovered that certain high and low electrical activity is associated with specific neurobehavioral symptoms. EEG has been used for many years to determine seizure activity and […]
The Pros And Cons Of Neurofeedback Therapy For ADD/ADHD
Neurofeedback therapy is a proven means of offering treatment for ADD and ADHD. This type of treatment is a form of biofeedback, in which auditory or visual stimuli are used to help train the mind to produce the appropriate brain wave patterns. It is non-invasive and does not present many of the side effects found […]
What Is Neurofeedback And Can It Help You?
Neurofeedback Therapy is a proven effective and safe alternative to other forms of treatment for ADD, ADHD and a host of other disorders. Part of a type of treatment regime referred to as biofeedback, this type of treatment is a non-invasive therapy that works to help you retrain your mind to help you regain your […]
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